Where's Europe when you need them?
Que 1980’s rocker music please. Let's see how long this song stays in your head!
So, yeah. It’s the final countdown to the 5k (August 28), I am so not ready. I am, however, on the verge of a frosting binge.
First—Bob Harpers crazy Dip challenge that I posted last week—yeah, I did it—ONE TIME. Holy shit! It made my arms sore for three days! And the Planks? Fughettaboutit—no way. I can’t even hold for 10 seconds—much less 30.
And don’t get me started with the
E2 diet—uhm. I read the book—WIN. I planned on trying it, but didn’t. FAIL.
Look, I am probably my biggest critic, but I will be very disappointed if I can’t run the entire race. Even if I run like an old lady—fast walking—this is an important goal I have set for myself. I also set other goals for my trip to Hawaii, and even though I have achieved some, I have failed miserably at others. So what gives? Sometimes this is just too overwhelming. No amount of inspirational quotes will make me feel like my ultimate goal is obtainable.
Perhaps I have put way too much pressure on myself to achieve so much all at the same time? I have no idea. What I do know, is that part of me feels amazing-strong-happy and sexy-curvy. The other part is saying that I failed and once the trip is over, it makes no sense to continue—open mouth, insert vanilla frosting. I am kidding of course, but these are my inner demons and to quote the profitable Eminem, “I’m exercising these Mother-effers—they’re doing jumping jacks!”
It’s time to create a list of things I am proud of and a list of things I still want to see happen.
Here are a few things I am proud of:
1. I have used my gym membership every week since we bought it in February.
2. I have been praying to God every morning—to help me get through the day in the best possible way I know how.
3. The more I work on my positive thoughts—the more positivity I have attracted.
4. My comedy has been more productive this year than any of the past six years!
5. I have reached out and spent quality time with people who are positive influences in my life.
6. As a couple, we have been set and adhered to boundaries that prevent us from drama, chaos and other types of negative derailments.
7. I like the way I feel after a run, especially on a Saturday morning workout. My mind is clear, my energy soars and I feel alive!
8. I have broken old habits—a few years ago, there is no way I could have continued this journey, in fact, my old self would have stopped blogging long ago. To date, I have missed two weeks worth of entries…and not in a row! HOLLA!
9. I don’t feel like the “fat chick” in public or in a group anymore.
10. I am going to Hawaii—and we paid CASH for the entire trip.
Things I would like to focus on:
1. I haven’t maintained the monthly pics. I wasn’t prepared for the roller coaster of emotions that snapping a photo would create, but sharing those photos keeps me honest!
2. I still have my days when I want to stab the world with a spork, but there are always going to be those days. Again, it’s called life.
3. I need a meal program that works.
I am pretty stoked that the first list is longer! That is a plus!
Basically, I need to set new mini-goals for myself. Once we are back from Hawaii, I will have a total of 3 ½ months until January 1, 2011. That is 3 ½ months of running, eating right and losing. I want to start out 2011 at less than 200 lbs. I think this will be a mental breakthrough that I desperately need because I am hovering around 210-215 and it’s killing my morale.
I think I am just human. A human that has documented my life for the world to see. That makes me pretty vulnerable. But, it has kept me honest and on board. I am committed to this blog because it helps me. And I appreciate all of the input from all of you because there is no better feeling than knowing I am not alone in this fight for health.
This week, I have planned to run 2 -2 .5 miles, twice. And, I made a grocery list for the E2 diet...cuz I
am the little engine that could....or at least that's what I've been telling myself. Check out my caboose! TOOT TOOT!
Until next week..... :)