Wednesday, June 9, 2010

No Pill. No Problems.

It was the Pill.

I am AMAZED at the way it affected me. I thought I was going crazy. So now, I'm just back to my normal-crazy self.

I have a confession: I haven't bought the book Women, Food and God. But my friends are reading it and telling me that it's really good. I do plan on buying it. I really can't tell you what my block is on this one, I just can't do it.

I am back at the gym. I missed a whole week. We were active with other things, but no good sweat sessions. The last two days have been GREAT workouts mixed with sore muscles and good nights of sleep.

My June 1 photo set to be taken around June 15th, when I haven't eaten ice cream and bread all week. Weight is down a pound and my smile, energy and cramps are back. I never thought I would say this, but "Hey Cramps--glad to have ya back old buddy."

I joined Twitter, so now I'm twatting...right? It's weird. I guess if you want to follow me, you can add me at @ComedianChick.

I don't have much more. Count down to Hawaii is about 5 1/2!

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